Work in progress in Bison Pialligo |
Right now I'm mopping out water as it floods in to the studio from torrential storms. Our painters have had to stop as we have had two blackouts and I can't pack kilns unless I do it by candlelight! Anyhow...I always consider starting jobs close to Christmas to be the domain of the mentally unsound (I'm placing myself in this category) and this year has proven to be no exception. They say change is as good as a holiday but frankly I'll be needing medication after this is sorted! I guess a clean slate for a space is always a great way to start a busy period but at least I'll have fun setting it up. Come by and visit...we'll be operational again as of tomorrow (Thursday) in Pialligo. As an added bonus if you get high from the wafting odour of paint you'll be in heaven.
I can't WAIT to see the place tonight.